2025 British Two-Stroke Edition

Entries will be taken from Saturday 1st February 2025, online for the 2025 Highland Classic Two Day Trial – British Two Stroke Edition!

The regulations have already been released in advance of the entry form being made available by the organising Inverness & District Motor Cycle Club. The event will take place on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th June at Alvie Estate with some new features for 2025.

All Over 35 rider’s on the A Route, all classes, will be competing for the Premier award, The Ray Sangster Memorial Trophy which was commissioned last year and won for the first time by Cheltenham;s Steve Saunders, the former Comerford’s Bultaco, Honda, Fantic and Armstrong rider.

For 2025, we also have the new ‘Laird Jamie’s Challenge’ for riders who don’t want to tackle the full 18 sections per lap per day, but a shorter run around the Alvie hills with a reduced number of sections being tackled.

The Clerks of Course have responded positively to feedback received after the 2024 event and will be easing some of the hazards and access to them.

There will also be some new ‘social features’ this year for rider’s enjoyment, more will be revealed as we approach June!

The entry form will be available on our facebook page and the Entry Form page on this website from 1st February at 09:00 and will remain open for a three week period.

Entry Fee is payable after confirmation of entries have been sent to riders and the fee remains at £75.

2025 Regulations Released

The 2025 Highland Classic Two Day Trial – ‘British Two-Stroke Edition’ supplementary regulations have just been released, in advance of the entries opening on Saturday, 1st February at 9am.

In the event that we are oversubscribed, then we will do as the last two years, ballot the entry.

The good news is that the entry fee is still fixed at £75 per rider. There is some exciting new features for 2025, one of which is the ‘Laird Jamie’s Challenge’.

Laird Jamie’s Challenge:

This is for riders who perhaps feel that two full laps per day is maybe beyond their capabilities, but still want a challenging weekend with a variety of sections on the B Route. Some classes have been combined and we maintained the Under 35 classes for the more youthful entrant.

The committee has listened carefully to the feedback we received after last year’s trial and have agreed that an easing of some sections and entrances to hazards is required, this has been fully acknowledged and taken on board for this year.

Entries open on 1st February and will remain open for a two week period, it is not necessary to include payment until you have a confirmation of entry, at which time a bank transfer of the entry fee of £75 will be required.


If you are planning entering and have a friend, relative, spouse that would be willing to observe for us, then please, please, please put their name on the entry form. It would be very much appreciated. Observers will receive packed lunches both days and catering when they come off the hill.

In the meantime, download the regulations and have a good read of them BEFORE entering.

Supplementary Regulations 2025

We look forward to receiving your entry very shortly!

Mieke de Vos (Event Secretary) & John Moffat (Event Co-ordinator)

2025 Highland Classic

We are already planning for the 2025 Highland Classic Two-Day Trial which will take place on 7/8 June at Alvie Estate.

This year, after the BSA/Triumph edition we picked up on comments made that the B Route was a bit too challenging, so we embarked on a rider feedback where we collected all comments about the event, good and bad.

This feedback was discussed at committee and it was agreed to ease back the B Route and to make some further improvements when laying out the event in 2025.

In short, we listened to rider’s comments and criticisms which helps ensure that the trial is set out at the correct level.

Further, we have decided to have the ‘Laird Jamie’s Challenge’ (named in honour of the Laird of Alvie Estate, Jamie Williamson) where riders can opt to ride a limited amount of sections on both days. We usually have two laps of 18 sections per day, which will continue. However, the ‘Laird’s Challenge’ will be over run over a lap and a quarter per day, so 25 sections (50 in total) will be attempted rather than 36 sections per day (72 in total).

We feel this is an excellent solution, to allow our more mature competitors to take part, without losing the enjoyment of the ‘Friendliest Classic Trial In Scotland’. It also allows the younger competitors to compete for the ‘Ray Sangster Memorial’ award on the A Route (36 sections per day) and all the other classes.

We have now merged Pre65 and Britshock machines to simplify the classes and awards.

New sponsors were brought on board in 2024, including Hodge Plant Ltd and 7even Contruction and this worked well and allowed us to freeze the entry fee and we plan to do the same for 2025. The number plates are already in stock, these have been once again sponsored by Gavin Cairns Roughcasting.

Kudu Products of Leeds have also come on board to supply course marking materials and are our new supplier for the rider’s number boards.

Entries for the 2025 ‘British Two-Stroke Edition’ of the Highland Classic will open on 1st February 2025, online.

Watch This Space!

Many thanks to Classic Dirt Bike (Mortons Media) for their coverage of the 2024 BSA/Triumph Edition.

2024 – Observers Draw

Here are the lucky observers who were prize winners in the Prize Draw – Sponsored by Highland Leisure Sport, Invergordon!

Numbers drawn by our Guests of Honour: Tony Davis; Mike ‘Bonkey’ Bowers and Alan ‘Sid’ Lampkin.

Many thanks to Craig & Chap Middleton of Cromarty Brewing Company for the presentation packs of their products.


Brian Trafford   –    £ 100

Alex Carmichael  –   £ 50

Sheena Mackay  –   £ 25


 Adrian Martin   –  £ 100

Carina Gravener  – £ 50

Lorna Dougan   –    £ 25

David Dougan   –   Cromarty beer pack

Donna Summers    –   Cromarty beer pack

Sheena Mackay   –    Cromarty beer pack

Andy Kelly       –     Jitsie Helmet

2024 Final Instructions

Please note:

General Information:

The start is located on Alvie Estate; OS Grid Ref: NH8609; What3Words: ///competing.daytime.driver

Sign on opens Saturday at 08:30 Riders to sign on and off both days.


Please sign on both days with Nigel Robertson and Jimmy Jenkins and collect your ‘welcome pack’; packed lunch and observer’s board. Be at your section for 10:00am Saturday and 09:30 am Sunday. You will be given a meal ticket when you return your observer’s board each day. Sections will be closed by back-marker each day.


Be ready to start at your alloted time, especially during the first hour. Riders start on Saturday 1-200, one rider per minute, but if we have no queues at sections, we will start setting off riders 2 per minute thereafter. Sections will be closed by back marker each day. On Sunday the start is 10:00 am with Rider 101-200;1-100. We hope to start riders at 2 riders per minute.

Bernie Returns in June

1979 FIM World Trials Champion, Bernie Schreiber, the only American to win the championship, makes a welcome return to the Highland Classic and Alvie Estate this year!

Bernie is celebrating 45 years since his history changing win, having defeated 3 times world champion, Yrjo Vesterinen, also a former guest of the Highland Classic.

Bernie stated on his facebook page: “I am delighted my entry has been accepted to ride the 2024 Highland Classic Two Day Trial – BSA/Triumph Edition.
This will be my third attendance since 2019 on an SWM, 2023 on Bultaco and a BSA for 2024.
Thank you to John Moffat for the opportunity once again to ride one of your unique machines.
My thanks also to the Inverness & District Motor Cycle Club for organising the The Friendliest Classic Trial in Scotland. – See you in Scotland!”

Promoted by: Inverness & District Motor Cycle Club Ltd