Just a couple of days now until the Highland Classic kicks off on Alvie Estate!
Some important reminders:
- Please be prepared to be parked by officials upon arrival
- NO bikes to be ridden until AFTER the briefing meeting at 10:45 Saturday.
- Signing on will commence at 08:30 and the catering unit will be open from 09:00, the catering and the toilet facilities are located at Trial HQ.
- All riders must WALK from their vehicles to and from the Trial HQ via the taped walkways, this is due to restricted access caused by the recent fire on the estate and to avoid customers of the Zip Wire adventure area.
- Riders will be able to ride their bikes to the start area only and DO NOT USE THE QUARRY AREA AS A PRACTICE ZONE!
Please adhere to these simple requests to ensure a flow of traffic safely, pre-event.
MIEKE DE VOS – Event Secretary